Philosophical Discourse

A FAULTY CONCEPTION OF GOD— Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man

godless god-free and whole
Written by yeye

A FAULTY CONCEPTION OF GOD— Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man

There is no doubt in my mind that religion does good but truth be told it also has been responsible for mayhem of catastrophic proportions we must admit that There is a danger in the literal interpretation of the scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths whose conception of god: is an antromorphic personal god who oft is angry and judgmental smiting his enemies and raging at errant followers, to think of god like this is to cheapen god. A sure way to etch your way out of the miry pit of restrictive religion is to grasp that god in the light of truth can best be described as Principle and as Principle, god:

Is the unifying force or principle back of all known and unknown things

Is the pervasive absolute infinity that has neither beginning nor end

Is the eternal infinite Presence the Omnipotent

Is not matter, implying god is not a being of form and should not be arrogated human qualities

Is light, love & wisdom

Is the universal unchangeable: the same yesterday today and tomorrow

Is pure unadulterated love and is incapable of cruelty

The importance of re-examining the doctrinal teachings of the worlds most practiced religions most especially Islam cannot be overemphasized. It is an exercise that must be carried out if our species is to progress any further. As a species we are like little wild children lost in a maze. We must necessarily acquire knowledge to navigate our way out of this metaphorical maze. We must consciously correct the anomalies of our belief system we must learn to ‘believe’ correctly failure to address our faulty conception of god impedes and impairs spirituality both at individual and collective levels. If our collective psyche is entrenched in a faulty conception of god we invariably stunt our leap to the next phase of our evolutionary journey.

A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right– Thomas Paine

There is a general misconception that outing doctrinal religion translates to banishing morals from society the type of people who think this are those who fail to task their critical faculty or perhaps are merely comfortable submitting to authority Thomas Paine expressed it excellently when he said

‘reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it’

those in this camp also fail to recognize that morality predates any of the modern religions, long before the advent of the dominant religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism our long gone ancestors lived by moral codes entrenched in the socio-cultural systems of their time. Anyone who has a contrary view clearly is ignorant of history.

By outing religion implicitly you embrace spirituality a system of self-discovery that sets you on the path of self-actualization made possible by merging and fusing the mental & spiritual faculties of man at both individual and collective levels birthing a new race of super humans, this we owe ourselves and even nature earnestly awaits the manifestations of the sons of god. Together as one race let’s make our world better, bringing heaven down to earth.

Once we free our minds of limiting religious dogmas, doctrines and texts it becomes possible and easier to. Go within and befriend your inner divinity

Thank you for reading






yeye is an agnostic pantheist who borrows a leaf from all known perennial wisdom traditions, a chela that drinks from the cups of wisdom presented by custodians of ancient traditions. She lives life on her terms.

About the author


yeye is an agnostic pantheist who borrows a leaf from all known perennial wisdom traditions, a chela that drinks from the cups of wisdom presented by custodians of ancient traditions. She lives life on her terms.

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