Random Musings

There Are No Black or White People In the World

There are no black people in the World
Written by yeye

If only there are truly white or black skinned people anywhere in the human world

Not until some reflection and research did I realise there are no black or white people in the world. Nobody in the entire world is black or white, but the labels: black and white are so deeply ingrained in our psyche today, that the discriminatory origin of the term ‘black’ used as a racial identifier for Africans and African Americans is often forgotten or overlooked.

White of course is ‘good’ and black is bad which is why even Jesus the Christian symbol has blonde hair and blue eyes, despite the fact that Jesus was a Semite that supposedly lived in Roman times. The gist about religion and its adverse effect on the psyche of the average African is something that needs to be discussed openly; to that end, I have created some content on the subject. Here is a link to one where I discussed the origin of the word god– which incidentally was coined by Tyndale in the 1520s. I digress.

In this article Africans are not black and video presentation, I shared my opinion about these racial identifiers– black and white that were invented by Europeans from around the 17th century to justify the inhumane act of dehumanization of others just because they look different. Unsurprisingly, studies continue to disprove racial misconceptions. One of such studies reveal the pink; pale hue or pigmentation of Eurasians is just about eight thousand years old. Suggesting varied shades of dark skin was the norm for most of human history until pale skin first emerged in the northerly region of western Asia and subsequently flowing into Europe.

It’s no longer news that Eurasians have homo neanderthalensis genetics of about 3-4%. This makes me wonder if the presence of these neanderthal genes could be responsible for the blocking of Eumelanin production causing pale skin instead of albinism? This of course is just mere conjecture but one that I think researchers could explore.

Melanin is the substance in the human body responsible for skin, hair, and eyes pigmentation. There are two types namely: Eumelanin and Pheomelanin. For homo sapiens the lowest gradient of melanin presence results in albinism, but in Eurasians melanin production is often blocked or not activated giving way to pale skin, and I find this puzzling.

In the linked article above; are snipped images of dark skinned people from around the world—Happy viewing!







yeye is an agnostic pantheist who borrows a leaf from all known perennial wisdom traditions, a chela that drinks from the cups of wisdom presented by custodians of ancient traditions. She lives life on her terms.

About the author


yeye is an agnostic pantheist who borrows a leaf from all known perennial wisdom traditions, a chela that drinks from the cups of wisdom presented by custodians of ancient traditions. She lives life on her terms.

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