
Beware What You Eat— fake food is everywhere.

reals foods are from nature NOT boxes
Written by egbe adeta

Beware what you eat— fake food is everywhere!!!

I am not being an alarmist but you seriously need to pay attention to what you consume as food and beverage. It cant be said enough you are better off growing as much of your foods as you possibly can. Vegetables are easy to cultivate in and around your home especially if you have a back garden.

Every year we are bombarded with ‘new’ research tell us, what to eat to stay fit, lose weight or be healthy half the time it is nothing but pure marketing propaganda set up to make you buy the fake foods touted as food by the media Not true you say. Wait, read this , this and this.

Information overload is a negative effect of the information age. To stay afloat learn how to separate substance from chaff. Be wary, especially of information centered on nutrition, health, foods, beverages, fad diets etc most of what is floating around out there is noise and has no real value as far as your health goes.

Never take anything at face value even this article, always do your research the best way to arrive at an informed decision on any subject is by reading all opposing views and thoughts then with a dose of common-sense you draw your conclusions.

Beware what you eat your health is your responsibility take it seriously eat whole foods that are subjected to traditional food process only.

Be well.

Egbe is an unrepentant herb user, a health enthusiast and an avid reader who loves to share her commonsense approach to nutrition.

About the author

egbe adeta

Egbe is an unrepentant herb user, a health enthusiast and an avid reader who loves to share her commonsense approach to nutrition.

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